Dan's Arcade

In learning WebAssembly I had a thought about creating a Tetris clone with just an HTML table as the UI. This is a proof of concept that shows the power of WebASsembly.
In learning WebAssembly I had a thought about creating a Tetris clone with just an HTML table as the UI. This is a proof of concept that shows the power of WebASsembly.

Word Guessing GameGodot Engine
My version of the popular Wordle game. Play as often as you like, not just once a day.
My version of the popular Wordle game. Play as often as you like, not just once a day.

2D Card GameGodot Engine
Computer version of the French auto race card game, Mille Bornes, by Parker Brothers. I originally wrote this using Visual Basic but then decided to convert it to JAVA and now GoDot Engine. It was inspired by the computer version done by John Scheib for the Amiga platform some years ago.
Computer version of the French auto race card game, Mille Bornes, by Parker Brothers. I originally wrote this using Visual Basic but then decided to convert it to JAVA and now GoDot Engine. It was inspired by the computer version done by John Scheib for the Amiga platform some years ago.

Big Space Rocks GD
2D Space ShooterGodot Engine
Asteroids inspired space shoot-em-up. More recent version made in Godot engine.
Asteroids inspired space shoot-em-up. More recent version made in Godot engine.

Big Space Rocks
2D Space ShooterGame Maker
Asteroids inspired space shoot-em-up.
Asteroids inspired space shoot-em-up.

2D Top-Down RPGGodot Engine
Work in progress attempt to remake my favorite childhood game, Exodus Ultima III.
Work in progress attempt to remake my favorite childhood game, Exodus Ultima III.

8bit Memories
2D AnimationHTML 5 Canvas / Javascript
Recreating some classic retro 2D animation effects.
Recreating some classic retro 2D animation effects.